Veteran Vitality: Care for the Older Horse

Simon Grieve and Beccy Wood head to Solihull Riding Club to find out more on how to care for their horses as they get older. With expert advice they give us key tips on exercise and fitness, nutrition and keeping your veteran happy.

Veteran Vitality: Care for the Older Horse

Season 1

The first and foremost thing to ensure you get right, is what you are feeding your veteran horse. We talk with the Allen & Page team about the right feeds to be feeding our older horses to ensure they have the energy and calories necessary.
Keeping an older horse fit is really important to keeping them healthy. With the right nutrition, care and exercises plan, there is no reason why older horses can’t look in tip top condition ready to head into the ring. Here we collaborate with the Veteran Horse Society to show what we aim for when looking at the condition of our veteran horses.
Not every horse is aiming to be competing at a high level in their older years, that is why we want to help you keep your veteran supple and happy while in work.

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