Alex Bragg: Winter Training for Eventers

Tune up your skills with some top winter training tips from 5* event rider, Alex Bragg. Going through a variety of exercises and pieces of advice to make sure you hit the event season running, in this 6 part series Alex will lead us through how he prepares for the event season throughout the winter.

Alex Bragg: Winter Training for Eventers

Season 1

Basic Polework: Alex Bragg introduces us to his winter training programme with some basic pole exercises you can do to kick off your winter training.
Building The Foundations: Progressing from episode 1 Alex shows us some exercises that will help your horse build their athleticism.
Building Strength: Winter is a great time to work on your horse’s strength ahead of the eventing season. Here Alex gives us his top exercises and tips for getting your horses stronger.
Event Preparation: Training is a great way of learning and progressing but we need to be able to apply it to real world situations. In this episode Alex sets out some real situations that you may encounter in the ring or on the cross country course.
Bringing It All Together: Finally, Alex sets out an exercises that encompasses everything we have learned in this series that will mean you and your horses are fully prepared for whatever the course builder throws at you!
Preparing Yourself: Having competed at numerous 5* classes around the world, Alex knows exactly how to get your mind prepared for the season ahead. Working on tackling motivation, dark nights and building a stronger bond with your horse.

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