PSI Dressage and Jumping with the Stars

Welcome to the streaming hub for PSI Dressage and Jumping with the Stars. This is the place to watch the live stream from this year's event and on-demand recordings from each day. You can also find videos from previous years, where available, and links to useful information including the schedule and rider lists.

Try the search bar for direct access to rider clips in our competition archive and all our series and shows.

Stream PSI Dressage & Jumping with the Stars live at Horse & Country. Established in 1998, DJWTS has since become one of the most prestigious young horse events in the equestrian calendar. The event typically features a variety of classes and competitions, including Grand Prix dressage, World Cup show jumping qualifiers, and young horse championships. Watch this event live and on-demand on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone when you become a H&C+ member. You’ll also get access to the rest of our live events, shows, and training videos for a full year, with thousands of hours’ worth of content to explore. Become a member today or sign up for H&C+ Freestyle to view this event only.

This year we are streaming all dressage classes held in the indoor arena, including the World Cup Grand Prix Freestyle. We will not be streaming any masterclasses.

We will also be streaming all phases of the Young Horse showjumping classes, and then we will switch to Ring 2 to stream the World Cup Jumping class.

Find your clips in our sports archive or search for series and shows.

PSI Dressage and Jumping with the Stars Information

Years of Coverage

On Demand

Day 3 Saturday 22nd March 2025