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Logan Fieechter & Artemis Dmh Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Logan Fieechter & Artemis Dmh Z
Olivier Prreau & Himilaya du Temple
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Olivier Prreau & Himilaya du Temple
Olivier Prreau & Imperiale d'Auguilly
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Olivier Prreau & Imperiale d'Auguilly
Logan Fiechter & Navantus-C
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Logan Fiechter & Navantus-C
Dayro Arroyave & Sothys de Montmirai
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Dayro Arroyave & Sothys de Montmirai
Ruben Romp & Sweet Balou de Dreve
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Ruben Romp & Sweet Balou de Dreve
Cindy van der Straten & Cherie des Vergers Z
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Cindy van der Straten & Cherie des Vergers Z
Tom Favede & Ivanoe de Kerser
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Tom Favede & Ivanoe de Kerser
Kim Emmen & Nimrod Dmh
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Kim Emmen & Nimrod Dmh
Alexis Lheurux & Don Juan de Terlong Z
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Alexis Lheurux & Don Juan de Terlong Z
Olivier Prreau & Ijou d'Auguilly
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Olivier Prreau & Ijou d'Auguilly
Logan Fiechter & Nashville
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Logan Fiechter & Nashville
Arnaud Fontenelle & Carolina du Gazon Z
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Arnaud Fontenelle & Carolina du Gazon Z
Alexis Lheurux & Inesta
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Alexis Lheurux & Inesta
Sanne Thijssen & Neon 30
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Sanne Thijssen & Neon 30
Arnaud Fontenelle & Corland's Dream
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Arnaud Fontenelle & Corland's Dream
Daphne Ratzel & Hemingway Dlm
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Daphne Ratzel & Hemingway Dlm
Konstantin E. van Damme & Vayrie
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Konstantin E. van Damme & Vayrie
Tom Favede & Haida du Houx
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Tom Favede & Haida du Houx
Benedikte Rie Truellsen & Donatello Z
Recording of Horseland CCI4*-S Dressage Benedikte Rie Truellsen & Donatello Z
Alexa Feerrer & Blue Star
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Alexa Feerrer & Blue Star
Mandy Mendes Costa & Harkava de Brekka
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Mandy Mendes Costa & Harkava de Brekka
Alica Decroiz Trehoust & Ledzep du Bourbecq
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Alica Decroiz Trehoust & Ledzep du Bourbecq
Marie Baumgart & Zenzero 4
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Marie Baumgart & Zenzero 4
Laetitia Du Couedic & Hermine Linaire
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Laetitia Du Couedic & Hermine Linaire
Erika Lickhammer- Van Helmond & Vanessa Vhl
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Erika Lickhammer- Van Helmond & Vanessa Vhl
Kim Eemmen & Margaretha Dmh
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Kim Eemmen & Margaretha Dmh
Arnaud Fontenelle & Copy Harry Z
Recording of CSIYH1* - 6Y - 1m25 Table A against the clock Arnaud Fontenelle & Copy Harry Z
Cindy van der Straten & Erina des Vergers Z
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Cindy van der Straten & Erina des Vergers Z
Jerome Debas Montagner & Hollywood de Morel
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Jerome Debas Montagner & Hollywood de Morel
Anne Kristine Truelsen & Coletta
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Anne Kristine Truelsen & Coletta
Marie Demonte & Mister Coconut
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Marie Demonte & Mister Coconut
Daphne Ratzel & Hellboy Dlm
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Daphne Ratzel & Hellboy Dlm
Benedikte Rie Truellsen & Dam's Charrano Blue
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Benedikte Rie Truellsen & Dam's Charrano Blue
Mandy Mendes Costa & Hermes de Chap
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Mandy Mendes Costa & Hermes de Chap
Dayro Arroyave & Happy du Thot
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Dayro Arroyave & Happy du Thot
Thibault Touron & For Filoua PS
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Thibault Touron & For Filoua PS
Laetitia Surin & Easter des Vergers Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Laetitia Surin & Easter des Vergers Z
Jean Luc Mourier & Happy de Launey
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Jean Luc Mourier & Happy de Launey
Anna Kellnerova & Cataki van de Helle
Recording of Horseland CCI4*-S Dressage Anna Kellnerova & Cataki van de Helle
Graham Gillespie & Milady de La Pomme Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Graham Gillespie & Milady de La Pomme Z
Maxime Pierrot & Hashtag Top Boy
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Maxime Pierrot & Hashtag Top Boy
Adrian Schmid & Kamiro 16
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Adrian Schmid & Kamiro 16
Alexa Feerrer & Helby
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Alexa Feerrer & Helby
Sanne Thijssen & Make it Happen
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off Sanne Thijssen & Make it Happen
Emanuel Gaudiano & Diasandro Blue
Recording of Adelaide International CCI5* Dressage Emanuel Gaudiano & Diasandro Blue
Erika Lickhammer- Van Helmond & Corny M
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Erika Lickhammer- Van HelmondCorny M &
Necmi Eren & King van de Toogwijk
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Necmi ErenKing van de Toogwijk &
Oriane Jochaud Du Plessix & Desir du Rouet
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Oriane Jochaud Du PlessixDesir du Rouet &
Claudia Moore & Jadraque P
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Claudia MooreJadraque P &
Stefan Lazar & Crespo 25
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Stefan LazarCrespo 25 &
Rodrigo Giesteira Almeida & Robin 111
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Rodrigo Giesteira AlmeidaRobin 111 &
Amanda Jacucci Merle & Dumble d'OR
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Amanda Jacucci MerleDumble d'OR &
Arnaud Fontenelle & Champus Bu Z
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Arnaud FontenelleChampus Bu Z &
Anastasia Nielsen & Chacoothargos Ps Old
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Anastasia NielsenChacoothargos Ps Old &
Maxime Pierrot & Dynamic d'Allaire
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Maxime PierrotDynamic d'Allaire &
Jane Annett & Inwood
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Jane AnnettInwood &
Donald Whitaker & Picasso Vd Zwartbleshoeve
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Donald WhitakerPicasso Vd Zwartbleshoeve &
Anne Kristine Truelsen & Cosma Shiva S
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Anne Kristine TruelsenCosma Shiva S &
Logan Fiechter & Quo Vadis
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Logan FiechterQuo Vadis &
Oscar Camboulin & Lennon H
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Oscar CamboulinLennon H &
Kim Emmen & Louis Vuitton Vd Wouwerse Veld
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Kim EmmenLouis Vuitton Vd Wouwerse Veld &
Frederic Vernaet & Burberry Dk T&L Z
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Frederic VernaetBurberry Dk T&L Z &
Sebastien Planchat & d'Enfer van de Rib
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Sebastien Planchatd'Enfer van de Rib &
Mariana Frauches Chaves & Emerette
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Mariana Frauches ChavesEmerette &
Carla Menon & Forever Diamond Epona
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Carla MenonForever Diamond Epona &
Matteo Caporali & Gontendro
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Matteo CaporaliGontendro &
Martina Giordano & Gitano Semilly
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Martina GiordanoGitano Semilly &
Niels Bruynseels & Diamond Quality Z
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Niels BruynseelsDiamond Quality Z &
Cecile Bouzinac & Call Me Carl 3
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Cecile BouzinacCall Me Carl 3 &
Nicolas Deseuzes & Galoway Sunheup
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Nicolas DeseuzesGaloway Sunheup &
Jean Luc Mourier & Dionysos d'Aiguilly
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Jean Luc MourierDionysos d'Aiguilly &
Benedikte Rie Truelsen & Obahma JS
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Benedikte Rie TruelsenObahma JS &
Maxime Hazebroek & Picasso Van'T Rechthof
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Maxime HazebroekPicasso Van'T Rechthof &
Alexandra Amar & Faramir Val Henry
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Alexandra AmarFaramir Val Henry &
Dayro Arroyave & Lucky Star W
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Dayro ArroyaveLucky Star W &
Alexis Lheureux & Gemma d'Aunis
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Alexis LheureuxGemma d'Aunis &
Marianne Taulelle & Darwin de l'Eclypse
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Marianne TaulelleDarwin de l'Eclypse &
Adrian Schmid & Con Quality
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Adrian SchmidCon Quality &
Lily Attwood & Me Blue Two
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Lily AttwoodMe Blue Two &
Giulia Gandolfi & Jack Sirikit
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Giulia GandolfiJack Sirikit &
Leonie Peeters & Quickstep Van T Roosakker
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Leonie PeetersQuickstep Van T Roosakker &
Philippe Leoni & Crooner Tame
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Philippe LeoniCrooner Tame &
Charlotte Slosse & Uzel de Kens
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Charlotte SlosseUzel de Kens &
Jane Annett & Billy Tudor
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Jane AnnettBilly Tudor &
Celine Schoonbroodt- De Azevedo & Coseno-Blue PS
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Celine Schoonbroodt- De AzevedoCoseno-Blue PS &
Cindy van der Straten & Clarinda d'Amour Z
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Cindy van der StratenClarinda d'Amour Z &
Olivier Perreau & Frisky de La Fontaine
Recording of CSI2* - 1m35 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Olivier PerreauFrisky de La Fontaine &
Logan Fiechter & A New Generation Dmh Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Logan FiechterA New Generation Dmh Z &
Adeline Marche & Aron Galotiere
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Adeline MarcheAron Galotiere &
Laura Sorabella & Luigi Da Texuga
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Laura SorabellaLuigi Da Texuga &
Serena Maria Milner & Jakarta
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Serena Maria MilnerJakarta &
Sabine Maitrot Charmasson & Gotha de Jarsay
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Sabine Maitrot CharmassonGotha de Jarsay &
David Desmulliez & Folie d'Aurea
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) David DesmulliezFolie d'Aurea &
Juliette Herpoel & Little Prince Melloni
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Juliette HerpoelLittle Prince Melloni &
Silvano Meier & Diamond Quick Heto
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Silvano MeierDiamond Quick Heto &
Virginie Echternach Jaubert & Fango
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Virginie Echternach JaubertFango &
Francois Uccelli & Eclair de Hus
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Francois UccelliEclair de Hus &
Ornella Ronchi & Inula Louvo
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Ornella RonchiInula Louvo &
Marine Hellion & Inascot DB
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Marine HellionInascot DB &
Victoria Kozo & Ludwig Van Beethoven 4
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Victoria KozoLudwig Van Beethoven 4 &
Claire Chaix & Ulhane de Conde
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Claire ChaixUlhane de Conde &
Cassandre Pitault & Valco de Pericard
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Cassandre PitaultValco de Pericard &
Hanna Perrer & Cureda
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Hanna PerrerCureda &
Caroline Baudry & Hard Rock Del Colle
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Caroline BaudryHard Rock Del Colle &
Commandant Geoff Curran & Derrycush
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Commandant Geoff CurranDerrycush &
Apolline Lapresle & Tarzan de La Bresse
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Apolline LapresleTarzan de La Bresse &
Serena Maria Milner & Esarina
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Serena Maria MilnerEsarina &
Nina Jouffret & Heidi de Bacon
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Nina JouffretHeidi de Bacon &
Catherine Bonifacio & Simba de La Vitalis Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Catherine BonifacioSimba de La Vitalis Z &
Leane Sorabella & Qualita du Briot
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Leane SorabellaQualita du Briot &
Sabine Maitrot Charmasson & Guapa-S
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Sabine Maitrot CharmassonGuapa-S &
David Desmulliez & Gavroche de Groom
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) David DesmulliezGavroche de Groom &
Francois Uccelli & Gribouille du Lys
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Francois UccelliGribouille du Lys &
Virginie Echternach Jaubert & Gloum
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Virginie Echternach JaubertGloum &
Silvano Meier & Visandra
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Silvano MeierVisandra &
Juliette Herpoel & Catalina 50
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Juliette HerpoelCatalina 50 &
Ana Eliza Aguiar M Ramos & Oh La La Imperio Egipcio
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Ana Eliza Aguiar M RamosOh La La Imperio Egipcio &
Ana Eliza Aguiar M Ramos & Iris Imperio Egipcio
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Ana Eliza Aguiar M RamosIris Imperio Egipcio &
Alexis Lheureux & Maloubet des Hautes Bruyeres
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Alexis LheureuxMaloubet des Hautes Bruyeres &
Arnaud Fontenelle & Copy Harry Z
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Arnaud FontenelleCopy Harry Z &
Logan Fiechter & Nashville
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Logan FiechterNashville &
Kim Emmen & Nimrod Dmh
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Kim EmmenNimrod Dmh &
Ruben Romp & Sweet Balou de Dreve
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Ruben RompSweet Balou de Dreve &
Sadri Fegaier & Corvette Van Schuttershof Z
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Sadri FegaierCorvette Van Schuttershof Z &
Konstantin E. van Damme & Etiuda
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Konstantin E. van DammeEtiuda &
Cindy van der Straten & Cherie des Vergers Z
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Cindy van der StratenCherie des Vergers Z &
Tom Favede & Ivanoe de Kerser
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Tom FavedeIvanoe de Kerser &
Alexis Lheureux & Don Juan de Terlong Z
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Alexis LheureuxDon Juan de Terlong Z &
Dayro Arroyave & Sothys de Montmirail
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Dayro ArroyaveSothys de Montmirail &
Olivier Perreau & Imperiale d'Aiguilly
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Olivier PerreauImperiale d'Aiguilly &
Logan Fiechter & Navantus-C
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Logan FiechterNavantus-C &
Virginie Echternach Jaubert & Nobelpina
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Virginie Echternach JaubertNobelpina &
Arnaud Fontenelle & Carolina du Gazon Z
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Arnaud FontenelleCarolina du Gazon Z &
Alexis Lheureux & Inesta
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m25 - Table A against the clock (238.2.1) Alexis LheureuxInesta &
Constant van Paesschen & Merlot de Muze
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Constant van PaesschenMerlot de Muze &
Laetitia Du Couëdic & Mademoiselle VG
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Laetitia Du CouëdicMademoiselle VG &
Jennifer Yun- Chen Hsieh & Aglaia J
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Jennifer Yun- Chen HsiehAglaia J &
Maxime Hazebroek & Jerez Vdo
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Maxime HazebroekJerez Vdo &
Dayro Arroyave & Konto
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Dayro ArroyaveKonto &
Commandant Geoff Curran & Lisgrea
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Commandant Geoff CurranLisgrea &
Kim Emmen & Island V G
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Kim EmmenIsland V G &
Logan Fiechter & l'Espose Diamant GO
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Logan Fiechterl'Espose Diamant GO &
Audrey Aslanoff & Isis
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Audrey AslanoffIsis &
Anastasia Nielsen & Grand Amour
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Anastasia NielsenGrand Amour &
Elodie Trapani & Danciaise du Bidou
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Elodie TrapaniDanciaise du Bidou &
Claire Chaix & Celtion
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Claire ChaixCeltion &
Anne Kristine Truelsen & Kassie
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Anne Kristine TruelsenKassie &
Mariana Frauches Chaves & Verdict de Kezeg
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Mariana Frauches ChavesVerdict de Kezeg &
Jean Luc Mourier & Gravity Lch
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Jean Luc MourierGravity Lch &
Celine Schoonbroodt- De Azevedo & Cunenvio EB
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Celine Schoonbroodt- De AzevedoCunenvio EB &
Cecile Bouzinac & Candore du Ventel
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Cecile BouzinacCandore du Ventel &
Gianluca Milner & Kalypso d'Ocq Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Gianluca MilnerKalypso d'Ocq Z &
Josefine Folman Bach & Hailey Lamei
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Josefine Folman BachHailey Lamei &
Sebastien Planchat & L Nabucco
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Sebastien PlanchatL Nabucco &
Hanna Perrer & Cargo 17
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Hanna PerrerCargo 17 &
Annalisa Renzi & Cornet Rouet PS
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Annalisa RenziCornet Rouet PS &
Amanda Jacucci Merle & Caraba de Rima
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Amanda Jacucci MerleCaraba de Rima &
Léon Pieyre & Galia du Soleil
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Léon PieyreGalia du Soleil &
Laetitia Surin & Chapeggio Blue PS
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Laetitia SurinChapeggio Blue PS &
Letizia Parola & Floralie de Coquerie
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Letizia ParolaFloralie de Coquerie &
Annabelle Pieyre & Callas des Ivernons Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Annabelle PieyreCallas des Ivernons Z &
Maxime Harmegnies & Facelia du Jaolas
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Maxime HarmegniesFacelia du Jaolas &
Daphne Monni & Donibane de Niagara
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Daphne MonniDonibane de Niagara &
Martina Balconi & Sorento Vd Beemdem Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m30 Two Phases Special (274.2.5) Martina BalconiSorento Vd Beemdem Z &
Jean Luc Mourier & Trinity d'I
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Jean Luc MourierTrinity d'I &
Elian Baumann & Little Lumpi E
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Elian BaumannLittle Lumpi E &
Loic Michelon & Belle d'Amour
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Loic MichelonBelle d'Amour &
Jerome Debas Montagner & Crackboy de Peyraud
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Jerome Debas MontagnerCrackboy de Peyraud &
Sebastien Duplant & Alpha de Preuilly
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Sebastien DuplantAlpha de Preuilly &
Sanne Thijssen & Cupcake Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Sanne ThijssenCupcake Z &
Adrian Schmid & Chicharito 11
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Adrian SchmidChicharito 11 &
Annabelle Le Gall & Urschula Coriana
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Annabelle Le GallUrschula Coriana &
Alexis Lheureux & For Ever de Baumont
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Alexis LheureuxFor Ever de Baumont &
Giavanna Rinaldi & Private Dancer Van 'T Meulenhof
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Giavanna RinaldiPrivate Dancer Van 'T Meulenhof &
Jane Annett & Impala
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Jane AnnettImpala &
Erika Lickhammer- Van Helmond & Koberlina TN
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Erika Lickhammer- Van HelmondKoberlina TN &
Leonie Peeters & La Lou
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Leonie PeetersLa Lou &
Thibault Touron & New Libero One d'Asschaut
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Thibault TouronNew Libero One d'Asschaut &
Sadri Fegaier & Manchester Van'T Paradijs
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Sadri FegaierManchester Van'T Paradijs &
Nicolas Deseuzes & Falco du Loing
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Nicolas DeseuzesFalco du Loing &
Arnaud Fontenelle & Figa de Gree
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Arnaud FontenelleFiga de Gree &
Chloe Ribot & Django Saint Just
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Chloe RibotDjango Saint Just &
Megane Moissonnier & Fais Pas CA
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Megane MoissonnierFais Pas CA &
Antonia Pettersson Häggström & Zara de Laubry Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Antonia Pettersson HäggströmZara de Laubry Z &
Marion TrossetI & LLI Nobili
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Marion TrossetILLI Nobili &
Anna Kellnerová & Hurricane D.D.
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Anna KellnerováHurricane D.D. &
Celine Schoonbroodt- De Azevedo & Clinto T Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Celine Schoonbroodt- De AzevedoClinto T Z &
Penelope Leprevost & Fantasy de La Roque Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Penelope LeprevostFantasy de La Roque Z &
Edward Levy & Catchar Mail
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Edward LevyCatchar Mail &
Emanuele Gaudiano & Julius.D
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Emanuele GaudianoJulius.D &
Commandant Geoff Curran & Glengarra Wood
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Commandant Geoff CurranGlengarra Wood &
Niels Bruynseels & Matador
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Niels BruynseelsMatador &
Frederic Vernaet & Orak d'Hamwyck
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Frederic VernaetOrak d'Hamwyck &
Oscar Camboulin & Oxanna van de Fruitkorf
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Oscar CamboulinOxanna van de Fruitkorf &
Mariana Frauches Chaves & Night Girl Vd Heffinck
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Mariana Frauches ChavesNight Girl Vd Heffinck &
Lily Attwood & Karibou Horta
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Lily AttwoodKaribou Horta &
Marie Demonte & Flashing de Riverland
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Marie DemonteFlashing de Riverland &
Candice Dejoie & Belle de Jour Velvet
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Candice DejoieBelle de Jour Velvet &
Donald Whitaker & Millfield Colette
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Donald WhitakerMillfield Colette &
Dayro Arroyave & Cas Final
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Dayro ArroyaveCas Final &
Graham Gillespie & Veneno
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Graham GillespieVeneno &
Alexa Ferrer & Caetlin Vd Heffinck Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Alexa FerrerCaetlin Vd Heffinck Z &
Rodrigo Giesteira Almeida & Dialektro
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Rodrigo Giesteira AlmeidaDialektro &
Kim Emmen & Inflame GO
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Kim EmmenInflame GO &
Constant van Paesschen & Kannavara Z
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Constant van PaesschenKannavara Z &
Jeroen Appelen & Monte Blue PS
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Jeroen AppelenMonte Blue PS &
Isabella Russekoff & C Vier 2
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Isabella RussekoffC Vier 2 &
Matteo Checchi & Elixir de Chalusse
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Matteo ChecchiElixir de Chalusse &
Nicola Pohl & Catz de Sulpice
Recording of CSI3* - 1m50 LR - Table A with jump off (238.2.2) Nicola PohlCatz de Sulpice &
Adeline Marche & Aron Galotiere
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Two Phases Special Adeline Marche & Aron Galotiere
Laura Sorabella & Luigi Da Texuga
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Two Phases Special Laura Sorabella & Luigi Da Texuga
Sabine Maitrot Charmasson & Gotha de Jarsay
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Two Phases Special Sabine Maitrot Charmasson & Gotha de Jarsay
Serena Maria Milner & Jakarta
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Two Phases Special Serena Maria Milner & Jakarta
Logan Fiechter & A New Generation Dmh
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Two Phases Special Logan Fiechter & A New Generation Dmh
Francois Uccelli & Gribouille Du Lys
Recording of CSI1* - 1m05 - Two Phases Special Francois Uccelli & Gribouille Du Lys
Elian Baumann & Carana D.M.
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Elian Baumann & Carana D.M.
Cassandre Pitault & Valco de Pericard
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Cassandre Pitault & Valco de Pericard
Ana Eiza Aguiar M Ramos & Oh La La Imperio Egipcio
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Ana Eiza Aguiar M Ramos & Oh La La Imperio Egipcio
Annabelle Pieyree & Forever Vesca's Lila Rosa Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Annabelle Pieyree & Forever Vesca's Lila Rosa Z
Eleanore Iseux De Garidel & Bonheur de La Faye
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Eleanore Iseux De Garidel & Bonheur de La Faye
Leane Sorabella & Qualita du Briot
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Leane Sorabella & Qualita du Briot
Paolo Leborgne & Volcelest d'Adriers
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Paolo Leborgne & Volcelest d'Adriers
David Desmulliez & Gavroche de Groom
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off David Desmulliez & Gavroche de Groom
Catherinee Bonifacio & Simba de La Vitalis Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Catherinee Bonifacio & Simba de La Vitalis Z
Commandant Geoff Curran & Derrycush
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Commandant Geoff Curran & Derrycush
Lola Jouffret & Dune de Bacon
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Lola Jouffret & Dune de Bacon
Francois Uccelli
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Francois Uccelli
Mickael Rouget & Vizcaya Dh Z
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Mickael Rouget & Vizcaya Dh Z
Silvano Meier & Visandra
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Silvano Meier & Visandra
Serena Maria Milner & Esarina
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Serena Maria Milner & Esarina
Juliette Herpoel & Catalina 50
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Juliette Herpoel & Catalina 50
Anne Kristine Truelsen & Kassie
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Anne Kristine Truelsen & Kassie
Caroline Baudry & Hard Rock Del Colle
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Caroline Baudry & Hard Rock Del Colle
Sabine Maitrot Charmasson & Guapa- S
Recording of CSI1* - 1m15 - Table A with jump off Sabine Maitrot Charmasson & Guapa- S
Dapne Ratzel & Hellboy Dlm
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Dapne Ratzel & Hellboy Dlm
Edward Levy & Hussard de Hus
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Edward Levy & Hussard de Hus
Sanne Thijssen & Make it Happen
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Sanne Thijssen & Make it Happen
Mandy Mendes Costa & Harkava de Brekka
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Mandy Mendes Costa & Harkava de Brekka
Alexa Ferrer & Blue Star
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Alexa Ferrer & Blue Star
Anna Kellnerova & Cataki van de Helle
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Anna Kellnerova & Cataki van de Helle
Konstantin E. van Damme & Vayrie
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Konstantin E. van Damme & Vayrie
Thibault Touron & For Filoua PS
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Thibault Touron & For Filoua PS
Erika Lickhammer- Van Helmond & Vanessa Vhl
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Erika Lickhammer- Van Helmond & Vanessa Vhl
Marie Baumgart & Zenzero 4
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Marie Baumgart & Zenzero 4
Emanuel Gaudiano & Diasandro Blue
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Emanuel Gaudiano & Diasandro Blue
Jerome Debas Montagner & Hollywood de Morel
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Jerome Debas Montagner & Hollywood de Morel
Laetitia Surin & Easter des Vergers Z
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Laetitia Surin & Easter des Vergers Z
Anne Kristine Truelsen & Coletta
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Anne Kristine Truelsen & Coletta
Laetitia Du Couedic & Hermine Linaire
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Laetitia Du Couedic & Hermine Linaire
Tom Favede & Haida du Houx
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Tom Favede & Haida du Houx
Alica Decroiz Trehoust & Ledzep du Bourbecq
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Alica Decroiz Trehoust & Ledzep du Bourbecq
Gaetan Decroix & Havantina des Flagues
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Gaetan Decroix & Havantina des Flagues
Olivier Prreau & Himilaya du Temple
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Olivier Prreau & Himilaya du Temple
Cindy van der Straten & Erina des Vergers Z
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Cindy van der Straten & Erina des Vergers Z
Marie Demonte & Mister Coconut
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Marie Demonte & Mister Coconut
Graham Gillespie & Milady de La Pomme Z
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Graham Gillespie & Milady de La Pomme Z
Dayro Arroyave & Happy du Thot
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Dayro Arroyave & Happy du Thot
Jean Luc Mourier & Happy de Launey
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Jean Luc Mourier & Happy de Launey
Logan Fiechter & Artemis Dmh Z
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Logan Fiechter & Artemis Dmh Z
Kim Emmen & Margaretha Dmh
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Kim Emmen & Margaretha Dmh
Rodrigo Giesteira Almeida & Rio Di Cantero
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Rodrigo Giesteira Almeida & Rio Di Cantero
Maxime Pierrot & Hashtag Top Boy
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Maxime Pierrot & Hashtag Top Boy
Edward Levy & Charmine Blue PS
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Edward Levy & Charmine Blue PS
Sanne Thijssen & Neon 30
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Sanne Thijssen & Neon 30
Alexa Ferrer & Helby
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Alexa Ferrer & Helby
Mandy Mendes Costa & Hermes de Chap
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Mandy Mendes Costa & Hermes de Chap
Arnaud Fontenelle & Corland's Dream
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Arnaud Fontenelle & Corland's Dream
Daphne Ratzel & Hemingway Dlm
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Daphne Ratzel & Hemingway Dlm
Adrian Schmid & Kamiro 16
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Adrian Schmid & Kamiro 16
Benedikte Rie Truellsen & Dam's Charrano Blue
Recording of CSIYH - 7Y - 1m30 - Table A against the clock Benedikte Rie Truellsen & Dam's Charrano Blue
Alexis Lheurux & Maloubet des Hautes Bruyeres
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m30 - Table A with jump off Alexis Lheurux & Maloubet des Hautes Bruyeres
Arnaud Fontenelle & Copy Harry Z
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m30 - Table A with jump off Arnaud Fontenelle & Copy Harry Z
Kim Emmen & Nimrod Dmh
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m30 - Table A with jump off Kim Emmen & Nimrod Dmh
Konstantin E. van Damme & Etiuda
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m30 - Table A with jump off Konstantin E. van Damme & Etiuda
Ruben Romp & Sweet Balou de Dreve
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m30 - Table A with jump off Ruben Romp & Sweet Balou de Dreve
Tom Favede & Ivanoe de Kerser
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m30 - Table A with jump off Tom Favede & Ivanoe de Kerser
Dayro Arroyave & Sothys de Montmirai
Recording of CSIYH - 6Y - 1m30 - Table A with jump off Dayro Arroyave & Sothys de Montmirai