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Annie Vorhies & Dover

Annie Vorhies & Dover

Recording of Session 1 Fences Annie Vorhies & Dover

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Brynley Smith & Chapman

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Devan Thomas & Chippy

:ive streaming from NCEA National Championships 2023, Arena 3

Wyette Felton & Favorite

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Raegan Olson & Swank

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Katherine Atherton & Granite

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Emma Grimes & Chunky

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Lucy Metzler & Barnaby

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Caroline Warren & Una

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Fallyn Belcastro & Teddy

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Ellie Weinreb & Lui

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Lilly Bove & Favorite

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Ella Peterson & Swank

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Hanna Lloyd & Granite

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Kacie Freeburg & Chunky

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Kelsey Quinn & Barnaby

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Kelley McCormick & Una

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Emily Nuthall & Teddy

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Emma Schweizer & Lui

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Chalyce Head & Odie

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Mattie Dukes & Nike

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Lily Anderson & Magnum

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Ashleigh Scully & Perry

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Giorgia Medows & Colonel

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Devin Seek & Oakley

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Taylor Zimmerman & Hannah

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Jordyn Scelsa & Dan

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Augusta Iwasaki & D-Jan

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Ellie Ferrigno & Leon

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Caroline Buchanan & Royce

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Jojo Roberson & SnoopDog

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Sydney North & Tempi

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Sophee Steckbeck & North

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Alexia Tordoff & JellyBean

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Riley Hogan & Cali

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Taylor Madden & Perry

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Molly Mitchell & Tberg

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Alex Pielet & Dan

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Isabella Baxter & Oakley

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Ella Bostwick & D-Jan

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Elli Yeager & Sampson

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Emma Pacyna & Leon

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Mary-Grace Segars & Zulu

Recording of Session 2 Fences Mary-Grace Segars & Zulu

Isabella Tesmer & Chexie

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Jessica McAllister & Odie

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Emma Kurtz & Tempi

Recording of Session 2 Fences Emma Kurtz & Tempi

Dani Latimer & Nike

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Sydnie Ziegler & North

Recording of Session 2 Fences Sydnie Ziegler & North

Lannie-Jo Lisac & Magnum

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Ava Stearns & Cali

Recording of Session 2 Fences Ava Stearns & Cali

Maria Richards & Colonel

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Shea Graham & Hannah

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Quincee Clark & Royce

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Olivia Marino & SnoopDog

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Olivia Marino & SnoopDog

Hannah Lovrien & JellyBean

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Hannah Lovrien & JellyBean

Madigan Eppink & Rex

Recording of Session 2 Flat Madigan Eppink & Rex

Miranda Seade & Snookie

Recording of Session 2 Flat Miranda Seade & Snookie

Kate Buchanan & Tberg

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Kate Buchanan & Tberg

Tristan Bagby & Chexie

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Tristan Bagby & Chexie

Laurel Smith & Chippy

Recording of Session 2 Flat Laurel Smith & Chippy

Elizabeth Carter & Lina

Recording of Session 2 Flat Elizabeth Carter & Lina

Victoria Zahorik & Snookie

Recording of Session 2 Flat Victoria Zahorik & Snookie

Ellie Ferrigno & Queen

Recording of Session 2 Flat Ellie Ferrigno & Queen

Hensley Humphries & Chippy

Recording of Session 2 Flat Hensley Humphries & Chippy

Payton Boutelle & Mikey

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Payton Boutelle & Mikey

Megan Waldron & Snip

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Megan Waldron & Snip

Ashleigh Scully & Swag

Recording of Session 2 Flat Ashleigh Scully & Swag

Shea Graham & Hannah

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Shea Graham & Hannah

Sydnie Young & Rex

Recording of Session 2 Flat Sydnie Young & Rex

Lily Anderson & Red

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Lily Anderson & Red

Sophee Steckbeck & Bravo

Recording of Session 2 Flat Sophee Steckbeck & Bravo

Mattie Dukes & Zeke

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Mattie Dukes & Zeke

Grace McReynolds & Grande

Recording of Session 2 Flat Grace McReynolds & Grande

Jojo Roberson & Tucker

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Jojo Roberson & Tucker

Maddie Spak & Garth

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Maddie Spak & Garth

Riley Hogan & Queen

Recording of Session 2 Flat Riley Hogan & Queen

June Roberson & Hooter

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go June Roberson & Hooter

Natalie Vargo & Henry

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Natalie Vargo & Henry

Nya Kearns & Mikey

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Nya Kearns & Mikey

Giorgia Medows & Snip

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Giorgia Medows & Snip

Mallory Vroegh & Hannah

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Mallory Vroegh & Hannah

Jessica McAllister & Red

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Jessica McAllister & Red

Alexa Black & Zeke

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Alexa Black & Zeke

Madison Parduhn & Tucker

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Madison Parduhn & Tucker

Claire McDowall & Garth

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Claire McDowall & Garth

Olivia Tordoff & Hooter

Recording of Session 2 Horsemanship Order of Go Olivia Tordoff & Hooter

Maddie Fussell & Austin

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Caroline Fredenburg & Henry

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Dani Latimer & Tank

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Olivia Marino & Jon Snow

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Lily Anderson & Bear

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Isabella Tesmer & Ben

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Chalyce Head & Boss

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Kate Buchanan & Tank

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Taylor Zimmerman & Jon Snow

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Caroline Buchanan & Bear

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Caroline Buchanan & Bear

Lily Anderson & Flash

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Alexia Tordoff & Boss

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Maddie Spak & Murphy

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Madison Parduhn & Charlie

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Madison Parduhn & Charlie

Maria Richards & Ben

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Alexa Black & Olive

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Alexa Black & Olive

Alexia Tordoff & Chili

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Alexia Tordoff & Chili

Caroline Fredenburg & Flash

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Caroline Fredenburg & Flash

Olivia Tordoff & Olive

Recording of Session 2 Reining Order of Go Olivia Tordoff & Olive

Nya Kearns & Murphy

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Megan Waldron & Charlie

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Mallory Vroegh & Chili

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Emmy Longest & Campo

:ive streaming from NCEA National Championships 2023, Arena 3.