Jack LaTorre EquiBody Fitness

Equibody is a fitness company that seeks to build a community of riders who learn how to use fitness to improve their riding. Founder Jack LaTorre shows us some of his methods.

Jack LaTorre EquiBody Fitness

Season 1

Jack discusses his theory behind EquiBody Fitness and demonstrates exercises that can be done in the gym to improve core strength and flexibility. He then discusses and demonstrates the importance of the core while in the saddle. (S1 Ep, 1/3)
Jack discusses and demonstrates exercises that can be done in the gym to improve lower body strength. He then discusses and demonstrates the importance the of lower body fitness in the saddle. (S1 Ep, 2/3)
Jack discusses and demonstrates exercises that can be done in the gym to improve upper body strength. He then discusses and demonstrates the importance the of upper body fitness in the saddle. (S1 Ep, 3/3)

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