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Ryan Wood & Cooley Flight

Ryan Wood & Cooley Flight

Recording of Dressage Ryan Wood & Cooley Flight, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

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William Coleman & Off The Record

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Jr. Bruce Davidson & Erroll Gobey

Recording of Cross Country Jr. Bruce Davidson & Erroll Gobey, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

Phillip Dutton & Possante

Recording of Cross Country Phillip Dutton & Possante, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

William Coleman & Chin Tonic HS

Recording of Cross Country William Coleman & Chin Tonic HS, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

Jr. Bruce Davidson & Business Class

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Will Faudree & PFun

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Phillip Dutton & Quasi Cool

Recording of Cross Country Phillip Dutton & Quasi Cool, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

Sydney Elliott & QC Diamantaire

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Matthew Grayling & Trudeau

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Elisabeth Halliday & Cooley Quicksilver

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Monica Spencer & Artist

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Dani Sussman & Jos Bravio

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Waylon Roberts & OKE Ruby R

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Doug Payne & Quantum Leap

Recording of Cross Country Doug Payne & Quantum Leap, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

Doug Payne & Camarillo

Recording of Cross Country Doug Payne & Camarillo, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

Elisabeth Halliday & Cooley Nutcracker

Recording of Cross Country Elisabeth Halliday & Cooley Nutcracker, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

Sara Kozumplik & Rubens D'ysieux

Recording of Cross Country Sara Kozumplik & Rubens D'ysieux, Grand Prix Eventing, Bruce's Field 2024

Elisabeth Halliday & Miks Master C

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Emily Hamel & Corvett

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Austin O'Connor & Carlson 119

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Sara Kozumplik & Rock Phantom

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Doug Payne & Quiberon

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Colleen Loach & FE Golden Eye

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